Choosing Toddlers Clothing
Whether your little one is crawling, or running about and possibly taking the odd tumble, clothing that stays hole free is an essential when choosing clothing for kids. Look for good-quality brands such as Bobo Choses, with experience in making such clothing for little ones. This goes a long way to ensuring they've taken added care to protect their clothes in areas of most wear; the knees and bottom will need to be more durable than other clothes.Cost
Of course, the fact, children are growing constantly means cost is a factor. Choosing clothing that is both low cost, but also is of good quality for the wear and tear is important. It's going to be subjected to a lot of play time, so it's easier when you chose a brand that's been in the toddler clothing area long enough to know how to make them well. Brands such as Bobo Choses offer that balance, ensuring your child gets wear that's affordable and looks great.Style
This leads us on to style. You want your child to look good and children's fashion brands will ensure this. Kid's fashion labels keep up with the latest trends for children with clothes that reflect these trends and seasons in a nice, attractive manner. This season, Bobo Choses is among those quality brands who stock a wide range of wonderful clothing for all seasons, ensuring your child looks cool and of course, comfortable.Comfort
You want your child to enjoy their clothes, and you also want them to stay together long enough for all the rough and tumble at hand. Choosing by the cost, durability and the style and comfort levels, while taking all into consideration you can be more than sure your toddler is happy with your choice. Your little one will get as many wears as is needed from such apparel. So take your time, take the aforementioned into account, and you'll see your child is stylish, comfortableCitations:

Fear of flying is known as aviophobia or aerophobia and some of the people suffering from it won't fly at all. It may surprise you to know that one in three people are afraid to fly and one in six won't get on a plane. Over 30 million Americans and 500 million people worldwide are afraid of flying. We've all heard that statistically, flying is the safest way to travel, so how did so many people become afraid of it?
One scientific theory is that some people are predisposed to fear and phobias. If more than one close relative such as a parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt or uncle suffers from irrational fear, it might come from heredity. That doesn’t mean it’s a given - many people who come from families that suffer from phobias don’t develop their own; environment plays a large part in the development of fear. The more common contributors to aviophobia are usually factors in our lives such as stress, catastrophic thoughts, sensational media reports and bad experiences on planes (like turbulence).
I was so afraid to fly that for many years I didn't fly at all. When I finally had to, the only way I could get on the plane was by taking prescription medication. Medication or alcohol are not solutions unto themselves. In Flying without Fear, Duane Brown, Ph.D. tells us that he is against the use of medication or alcohol as the sole tool in dealing with fear of flying. His reasons made sense to me because of my own experience. The first reason - it's not a cure, so you'll have to rely on them for the rest of your life - was true for me. When I did have to fly after years of not flying, I relied on medication, which didn't help. This leads to the second reason - if you're that afraid, it won't help unless you take enough to knock yourself out. I did that once and suffered the most embarrassing experience of my life. My wife actually had to lean me against a post while she collected our luggage. Having her business partners see me like that was humiliating for both of us.
A former flight attendant I met told me that the cabin crew is concerned about people who take medication or drink a lot during a flight. On the rare occasion of a problem, they are usually unable to handle themselves, and need someone to help them. It could make a difference in the time it takes to respond to a problem and make things worse. In the unlikely event there is an emergency, everyone should be alert and ready to act as quickly as possible.
Avoid Catastrophic Thinking
One of the worst things about aviophobia is catastrophic thoughts. Catastrophic thinking means always thinking the worst is happening in any given situation. I had the habit of thinking that way as long as I can remember. As a child waiting for my parents to come home, I would count the cars that passed on the street. "If they aren't one of the next six cars they must have been in an accident," I'd think.If the flight attendant had a slight frown on her face I was sure it meant disaster. The reality might have been a broken set of headphones or being a meal short or any annoying little thing. But my catastrophic thinking blew it out of proportion until I was sure I was going to die. Those were typical of the things I would think and say when we flew. It's a wonder she even wanted to fly with me.
You may wonder if catastrophic thoughts and phobias can make you physically ill. There is something called the "fight or flight response," which means the brain signals the body for action, whether for fight or flight. It doesn't matter if the danger is real or not. If you perceive something to be a danger, the response kicks in. You may feel it physically and some of the symptoms that can occur are:
- Blood pressure and increased heartbeat
- Sweaty palms even though you feel cold
- Breathing rate increases and becomes shallow
- Dizziness
- Muscle tension
- Upset stomach
Many people who are afraid to fly suffer from bad dreams, often dreams in which they are dying. They wake up terrified and think it was an omen or a warning and that something disastrous is going to happen to the plane and they're afraid to go. I suffered through dreams like that myself and I was sure it was a message from above telling me not to fly. I truly believed the danger was confirmed by the nightmares.
Some psychologists believe the dreams are a build up of stress and that our minds continue to work on our worries while we're asleep. Whatever the psychological theory, the important thing is that the fearful flyers having these dreams take them seriously. I sure did. The dreams are not omens, they're symptoms of our fear.
Something must be said about the tragic events of September 11th. Not surprisingly, right after that horrible day, fear of flying increased dramatically. It's important to know that the government and the airlines are working harder than ever to keep us safe. I've flown many times since that day. Letting the events of that day take away all I accomplished would be letting the terrorists win. I flew that week and I've flown many times since.
Phobias can be conquered. It takes a little work, a little trust, and a desire to do it. Now that I've overcome my fear, I'm happy to say the bad dreams have stopped and I can sleep on a plane. I've learned that I can trust the people who fly, guide and maintain the plane.

When I think of March, I think of lots of things. I think of sunshine, & starting to be able to wear springs clothes again. I think of flowers blooming, & taking care of my garden. Possibly having to trek around town in a pair of ditch boots, depending on the amount of rain we are getting, & the amount of mud resulting in it. I think of spring skiing, & sitting outside enjoying a cold beer. But, mainly when I think of March, I think of how I am going to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! I’ve compiled a top ten list of epic ways to ring in the upcoming month.
10.) Clean out your closet, & get some space in there for some new clothes.
I typically go through & clean out my closet when the seasons change. I get rid of anything I haven’t worn recently, & can’t picture myself wearing again in the near future. Then I take it to the local consignment store & make money off of it, & buy new clothes with the money. I suggest everyone gives this a try, you will be surprised at how liberating it is.9.) Lighten up your locks. Along with cleaning out my closet, & buying new clothes, I like to change up my hairstyle. I find that getting a few highlights in my hair, or changing up my hairstyle will lighten up my mood. It’s amazing how a new do can change your outlook on things. Not to mention make you feel sexy!
8.) Clean off the cobwebs covering your bike that you have neglected in the corner of your garage all winter, & take that baby out for a spin! I remember bike riding was super fun when I was little, & just recently I bought myself a cruiser & realized it can be that fun again. It’s great exercise, it saves you money on gas, & you get a nice sunkissed glow while doing it.
7.) If you have a car, clean that sucker out! I know I hate driving around with half of my house in the back of my car, but I’m much more likely to clean it when it is nice outside. If you aren’t into cleaning your own car out, take it through the car wash & have them do it.
6.) Buy yourself some plants. They will freshen the air, & make you feel better. If you have a garden, & you haven’t already planted bulbs, look into various bulbs you might be interested in. Having plants & flowers around is always a nice touch to any home or apartment.
5.) Find an outdoor activity that you enjoy….& start doing it, whether it be biking, hiking, skiing, horseback riding, etc. Getting outside after being cooped up in the colder months is extremely refreshing, not to mention if you are participating in something you really love.
4.) Plan an outside barbeque on a nice day for your family & friends. Everyone is stoked to be able to be hanging out outside again, so take advantage…& throw a good daytime party. Nothing is more fun than grilling, & having some drinks with good people.
3.) Change up your music collection. Ask around & see what other people are listening to. Maybe you can swap some playlists etc.
2.) Start working on your beach body. You’ve got a few months to get serious about shedding some pounds, & watching what you eat before you need to strip down & hit the beach. Get a gym membership or start doing something active everyday.
1.)Since most of the things on this list are pretty productive. I now suggest you reward yourself by going out & having one hell of a St.Patrick’s Day. It could just be the very best holiday of the year. So, mark your calenders, & celebrate on March 17th!
Written by Rebecca at Chillisauce Hen and Stag Parties Event Planning company, who specialise in adventure stag weekends and hen parties aborad.

Owning a house in the country is a dream for many people. They yearn for a nice big garden and a quaint house with barn style doors, a rustic kitchen, and a quaint living room with oak doors, a log burning fireplace, and large windows that look out over rolling hills and romantic forests.
While not everyone will be able to have their own mini country mansion, living the country lifestyle does have a lot of benefits that go beyond quaint oak doors and pretty views.
A Breath of Fresh Air
Living in the countryside means that you have the chance to get away from heavy traffic. You don't have to put up with petrol fumes, smells from nearby factories, diesel trucks passing by, and other pollutants. Instead, the worst you have to worry about (most of the time) is the occasional passing tractor, or a bout of hayfever.
Suburbs can be pretty bad for traffic, but in truly rural areas, you'll enjoy fresh, pleasant country air.
Time to De-Stress
People are people, no matter where you go - but in the countryside there are fewer people, which means that there's less chance of hassle. Many parts of the country have retained the true community lifestyle - everyone knows each other, and instead of competing with your neighbours to see who can have the biggest car or the newest gadgets, there's a sense of camaraderie. When the weather is bad, people will help each other by picking up shopping, shovelling snow, and offering other aid if needed.
Getting away from the noise and competition of the big city, and enjoying a quiet time with people that will become good friends can be very beneficial for your state of mind, and ultimately your health.
Accidental Exercise
When you live in the city, you're likely to use your own vehicle, or public transport, to go pretty much everywhere. When you live in the countryside, you're more likely to end up walking places - either because you don't want to take the car down wet country lanes, or simply because you'd rather enjoy the view and get a breath of fresh air.
Better Food
Are you sick of relying on supermarkets? Many villages have their own local butcher, baker, and farmer's market. Instead of paying for over-priced frozen goods, why not pick up food that was grown or bred locally, and enjoy fresh, healthy, inexpensive food that tastes great.
Living in the countryside isn't just a lifestyle - you don't need barn style doors, a thatched roof, and a horse, to enjoy "the country life". Even if you moved to a rural area with terraced housing, you could still enjoy a lot of the benefits of the countryside. Inside your little terraced house, you can have your rustic kitchen, oak doors, and faux wood-burning fireplace if that's the look you want, but what really matters is the outside world. Talk to your neighbours. Go for a walk around the nearby National Trust estate, and buy from your local butcher or market. Leave the city life behind, and enjoy what a real community has to offer.
Article written by Amy Fowler on behalf of UK Oak Doors, experts in oak doors and barn style doors. Image by spentrail.

I still vividly remember the fashion furor that surrounded the “I’m Not a Plastic Bag” canvas tote about five years ago. People stood in line for hours, stampeded into designated retail stores and paid hundreds of dollars to own the season’s ‘it’ bag. The reason it had become such a coveted fashion accessory was a combination of celebrity and scarcity. As the designer of the bag, Anya Hindmarch, told the New York Times, “To create awareness you have to create scarcity by producing a limited edition. I hate the idea of making the environment trendy, but
you need to make it cool and then it becomes a habit.”
The bag was thus included in the goodie-bag given to the stars at the 2007 Vanity Fair Oscar night party, and was seen on the arms of stars including Keira Knightley and Jessica Biel. It was also reported that only 20, 000 that would go on sale and that quotas of 30 bags per branch and one bag per customer would be implemented. The end result was that “eco-friendly” was no longer a byword for “dull and self-important”. What’s more, the bag was among the products that spearheaded the worldwide movement of green, sustainable fashion.
In 2012, it’s still considered cool for people who care about the environment to (literally) wear their heart on their sleeve. The list below highlights accessories, clothing and cosmetics that help people dress in head-to-toe green.
Urban Renewal
Urban Renewal is a high quality clothing line that has replicated the idea of using second-hand garments in the manufacturing process from pioneers in the U.S. and Canada. The specialised product line renovates vintage clothing and materials into trendy new outfits with an alternative indie look. This concept first originated in Philadelphia and has proved to be successful throughout the rest of America and Europe.
The clothes created in the Urban Renewal product line are made from materials locally sourced, but also imported from numerous international Rag Houses in countries including France, Singapore and the United States. Rag houses are wholesale retailers of materials that receive their inventory from thrift stores, clothing donations and left over stock from clothing factories. The second-hand clothing industry is important as it claims the large amounts of materials that would have otherwise ended up in landfills throughout the world.
The accessories brand, MADE, not only uses sustainable materials and limited technology, but is also committed to supporting and promoting trade in Africa. It does so by honouring its “trade not aid” philosophy of producing all of its jewellery and leather goods in a workshop based in Nairobi, Kenya. Materials such as precious metals, semi-precious stones, recycled glass, wood and bits of bone are sourced locally, and men and women trying to make a better life form themselves are trained and produce the accessories.
The collection is sold in London’s Top Shop worn and by a string of fashionistas, including Kate Moss. The profits go directly to the producers, and a portion is also invested back into the community projects ad training.
The Body Shop
Founder of The Body Shop, the late Dame Anita Roddick, was respected for her creativity, integrity and position on social responsibility in the corporate world. The company’s mission statement outlines the following priorities: activate self-esteem, protect our planet, against animal testing, support community trade and defend human rights. Besides these creditable philosophies, The Body Shop is also loved for its high quality products—from skincare ranges for every skin type to indulgent body butters and fragrances.
In 2006, The Body Shop was bought by leading cosmetic company, L’Oreal, for $652 million, but is still well-known and loved for its natural ingredients and ethical standards.
Tetlanyo is an aspiring marketer who loves fashion. Whether she's going on kruger park safaris at the Sabi Sands reserve, or walking along the streets of contrete jungles, she believes life is too short to always wear jeans.

Being a human every person want to socialize and make relationships to remain linked with the society. From the list of different relationships, friendship is the special relation that a person can make freely. In order to make new friends, one must need to spend sometime in making good friends with the same kind of understanding and thinking. In comparison to adults, children are quicker in making friends as kids can easily relate their interests and hobbies with others. Basically, if a person to make good friends, then the relationship must be honest and true like a strong bond. Friends play an important role in enjoying the moments of life to the fullest. It has generally seen that people who have cheerful nature can easily make friends and attracting others towards them.
Friends are Very Important in Life
Friends play a vital role in developing warm-friendly relations so that people can think emotionally and socially for them. If you are visiting any new place a smiling face can easily makes to communicate and others feel easy to approach you in comparison to others. The basic principle to follow in making new friends, that always Be yourself what you are actually from within instead of being pretentious in portraying wrong personality. When you behave genuinely with true feelings you can easily reach others to start communication. Your true nature is the simple way to make honest friendship and providing an opportunity to build a long lasting relation you’re your friends.
To make Friends is Very Easy it’s Just take Few Steps
For making friends you must be aware of others attitude, character and personality so that you come to know that you nature complement to their thoughts or not. Even one cannot ignore the necessity of friends in life as it eventually boosts one’s self esteem and making the life comfortable whenever problems originates. Try to be extrovert and outgoing to avoid hesitation or negativity to poster around yourself. Just Remember that if you friends feel comfortable in your company and feels easy to express their feelings, it becomes to build strong bond. Even the persons who are good listener can easily make new friends because when the conversation is going on your attentive or concerned behavior reflects your caring nature for them.
Friendship will Add Love, Care and Trust Values in your Life
Friends will always grateful and appreciative if you give them proper understanding and interest in listening to their life issues. By showing a genuine interest in this new friendship they have the same vested interest. Every person has different nature and personality and it is important to learn that people can act differently or similar to a particular situation. It is essential to understand others point of view to avoid differences to grow among friends. You can make new friends that have similar kind of values on love, attention care and trust that are necessary in friendship relations.
Friendship is the universal relation which is present everywhere and the people always want to make friends to connect with those who also enjoy doing same kind of activities that you like. If you build good friendship it can be rewarding in many ways as one easily gain confidence, social skills and boldness to face difficult circumstances. Usually, life become easy with the presence of friends as they will give you support, helps in making new finds and increasing the enjoyment level.
An expert decorator and easy renovation expert Jamith believes that it is not the actual fittings like bathroom shower, bath and basin that need to be replaced to give a new look to the interiors. Replacing and getting in new bathroom and shower accessories immediately rev up the appearance.

Even people who diligently brush and floss their teeth can suffer from unsavory things such as bad breath — also known as halitosis — and gum disease such as gingivitis or periodontitis. One easy step that can help prevent these unwanted conditions from occurring is using mouthwash.
There are a variety of different mouthwashes available, everything from harsh alcohol-based mouthwashes to home remedies — even gin or vodka. Read on for tips on how to choose the right one for any situation.
Fluoride mouthwashes
In addition to eliminating bad breath and gum disease, many mouthwashes also add fluoride. Fluoride is a mineral that helps prevent by replenishing the enamel layer of the teeth, which is attacked daily by bacteria and plaque build up.
For patients that suffer from dental erosion, using mouthwash with fluoride in it can be an effective way to help prevent tooth decay. Dentists often administer a special fluoride mouthwash when patients visit for teeth cleanings, but there are also several brands available that provide a lower dosage treatment for at-home use.
Alcohol-based mouthwashes
Many mouthwashes use some form of alcohol, which can make using the mouthwash unpleasant for some people. These types of mouthwash can also leave the mouth dry, which can actually help bacteria grow and lead to bad breath.
However, many brands that used to use alcohol — sometimes more than 25 percent of the total mixture — now offer varieties that are alcohol free.
Some people who want to use mouthwash do not because they seek an all-natural alternative. Most mouthwashes contain numerous chemicals and artificial sweeteners that make them unattractive to some customers. Fortunately, there are several alternatives. Some dentists recommend using a salt water mixture, which can treat the mouth for infections.
This can be created by dissolving a teaspoon of salt into warm water. Hydrogen peroxide can be used as mouthwash as well and will help destroy bacteria, but it does not have the breath-freshening effect that many people using mouthwash come to expect. Before the advent of off-the-shelf mouthwashes, many people used various spirits, such as vodka or gin, to kill bacteria in their mouths.
This can obviously be problematic, as the user will smell of alcohol for some time after he or she rinses their mouth. One other option is the use of salvadora persica, which is known as the toothbrush tree. However, the use of this product can lead to discoloration, so it is not the best option.
Robert Seitzinger is copywriter for Pacific Family Dental, a general dentist in Sherwood. Learn more ways to brighten a smile from this Sherwood dentist.

In tough economic times, everyone is looking for ways to cut costs. It makes sense to review all household expenses, including car insurance. There are some ways a person or a family can potentially save dollars on what they pay for car insurance.
Review Car Insurance Policy
Many times people just let their car insurance policies automatically renew. If a person has had the same insurance policy for a few years they should realize that the car has gotten older each year and if their insurance agent is not making adjustments to reflect the age of the car, they should start comparing car insurance quotes. It is very easy to do online. By answering a few basic questions quotes can be obtained from major car insurers in a matter of minutes. Even if a person is happy with their current automobile insurer they should use these quotes as leverage to get lower rates, especially if they have not filed any claims with the insurer and have a clean driving record.
Raise Deductibles
One quick way to lower car insurance costs is to raise the deductibles. The deductible is the amount the person who is insured has to pay before the insurance company pays their portion of any bills from accidents. The higher the deductible, the lower the insurance rate. A person that has had multiple accidents may not benefit from this tactic, but a safe driver can take the risk and raise their deductible to save money.
Multiple Insurance Lines
It does not make sense to have house, car or any other recreational vehicle insured by different companies. By bundling the properties to be insured with one company the person can get a multiple rate discount. This can save a significant amount of money on insurance.
Credit Rating
Many automobile insurers are now reviewing credit ratings before quoting rates. Paying bills on time and keeping a good credit score can help lower car insurance rates.
Drive Safely
A person with no accidents and no tickets will get a better insurance rate than a person who drives recklessly. It makes sense to be a safe and sensible driver and keep the driving record as clean as possible. Several car insurance companies have a first accident forgiveness policy for people who have a very clean driving record. That means that the insurer will not increase rates for an accident, but only applies in instances where no claims have been filed previously.
How Car Insurance Rates are Determined
Insurance companies have several variables that will influence the rates that a person pays for car insurance. Women generally pay less for car insurance since statistics show that they have fewer accidents and drive safely. A person’s marital status will also influence rates; married people pay less for insurance than single people.
Where a person lives is another factor for car insurance rates. City dwellers will pay more than suburban dwellers. This has to do with the density, or number of cars in cities versus more rural areas. Zip codes that have higher accidents, crime rates, car thefts and car repair rates will result in higher insurance premiums. People who like living in these areas should just be aware that they will pay more for car insurance for the convenience of city living.
The person that works behind a desk all day will pay less for car insurance than the sales person. This is due to the number of miles driven each day. The more a person drives, the higher the likelihood of being involved in an accident. If employed in a job that requires daily use of a personal car, make sure the company reimburses for the miles driven. This money should be used to pay for the increased car insurance as well as maintenance of the car.
Teen Drivers
Most teen-agers can’t wait to get their drivers license. Most parents dread the increase a teen will add to their automobile insurance. There are ways to keep the rates for teen drivers lower.
•Good grades – many insurers will give discounts if the teen gets good grades in school. Discounts for maintaining a B average or above can be significant.
•Driver safety programs – if the teen takes a driver safety program, watches certain videos or participates in other programs they can often get a discount on insurance. Ask the insurer if there are any programs available and how to qualify.
•College – inform the insurance company if a child goes away to college and does not take the car. Usually premiums are lowered but the child will still be covered when they are home on breaks or the summer.
Most importantly, ask the car insurance company for discounts. There may be defensive driving classes or other ways a person can qualify for discounts on car insurance. Before purchasing an expensive car, consider the cost of insuring the vehicle.
Go online to today to compare quotes to see which provider offers the cheapest rates for car insurance Ontario for your particular automobile. Kanetix Auto Insurance uses its innovative quoting engine to compare the rates offered by over 40 insurance providers in just a matter of minutes. Switching providers can often times save you several hundred dollars every year.