Realities of Making Money Online
This Report is intended to help YOU identify some of the reasons why 97% of people fail to make money, online. It is also intended to be an informational guide to help identify what it takes
to join the 3% group (who actually make money with they online business ). Hopefully, you’ll see this Post as a way to inject some “business common sense” back into the online world, when it pertains to: “The Reality of Makingb Money, Online.”
Section 1: The 5 Lies & Myths of Marketing Ploys…
Section 2: The 5 truths that YOU need to understand…
Section 3: Putting It All Together…
Section 1: The 5 Lies & Myths of Marketing Ploys…
For 10 years, the numbers have been the same: 97% of the people, trying to make
money online, are FAILING to make a profit. Now, there are a host of reasons for those kinds of numbers…And, it’s important to note, that NOT all of the reasons can be blamed on others! Sure,
there are “bad” programs, there are ‘useless’ eBooks, and there are many ‘slick sales pages’…which were
written by ‘slick salesmen’ who CAN NOT wait to separate YOU from YOUR
checkbook... BUT, at some point (especially after reading
this post), it is “YOUR” responsibility to be able to identify some of the ‘red- flags’ that are being used to
lure you away from Your money! It is also important that you know what the ‘Reality’ of making money
online (which is very different then what is being promoted at most programs). So, lets start with some common ‘myths’…And really, these could be more
accurately described as “marketing ploys”…Many times you will see one, or more, being used at the
same time, or on the same website. 1) Self-proclaimed “Gurus”…
This marketing ploy has been around awhile. This is when an eBook writer (or program owner), give
themselves a ‘name’…i.e.: “The Rich Jerk”, “The Affiliate Guru”, “The Money
King”…and several others. Now, I believe there is nothing wrong with ‘branding your product’. In
fact, ‘branding’ is a VERY important aspect of ‘brick & mortar’ Business…BUT, when you have NO idea what their product is (until you lay down your money), that is simply a marketing ploy.
They want you to remember their name, and if you hear or see it enough times, you may just buy into
2) Quick riches… With VERY
few exceptions, most people
will fall for the ‘ploy’ of
quick riches. It is in our
nature, and from a very
young age, we understand
that the more money we
have, the more stuff we can
have. The ‘marketing ploy’
of “Quick Riches” appeals to
our sense of greed…
The “Quick Riches” ploy is
used at most money-making
websites these days. And,
the more ‘relatable’ it is, the
more we will pay attention
to the sales pitch…i.e.
“From Bankruptcy to $
150,000 per month, in 45
A lot of people can relate to
someone who has filed
bankruptcy, or who was on
the verge of bankruptcy…So,
this type of ‘marketing ploy’
helps to ‘keep’ people’s
attention, so they keep
reading the webpage.
You will see the “quick
riches” marketing ploy, ALL
THE TIME! In fact, you will
see marketing ploy #1 & #2
in combination with each
other, most of the time…
(Self-Named “GURU” in
combination with “Quick
Again, ask yourself: EXACTLY
what is the actual product?
3) The “Do-Nothing”
programs… This one just
drives me nuts! I have spent
a lot of time, surfing for
credits, at Traffic Exchange
programs, and on a daily
basis I STILL run into a
video where there is a
gentleman saying:
“You do not have to refer
others”… “You do not have
to promote”… “You do not
have to do the usual things,
that you have to do at other
programs”… “And this is
Double Your Money back
WOW…That is the most
incredible program ever,
Well, in reality, that is a
‘slick’ marketer, who is
playing the ‘numbers’
game…Because if you throw
enough ‘stuff’ on the wall,
eventually some of it will
stick…There are a lot of
these types of programs,
and more seem to be
popping up, everyday!
Let’s use our common sense
for just a second. Name ANY
offline business where you
can do Absolutely Nothing,
and still make money? Well,
There Isn’t One…
The same BASIC business
principle applies to Online
businesses, too!
This “Do-Nothing” program,
is one of the major reasons
why 97% of people are
failing! People join (thinking
‘what could be simpler’),
and then within a couple
months, they realize that
they aren’t making any
money (and have NO useful
product to use), and then
quit…simply out of a couple
months worth of payments
to the “Do- Nothing”
The next “ploy” is almost
Always tied together with a
“Do-Nothing” program…
4) Guarantees… Here is an
absolute statistical fact:
“ONLY 7% of people will
follow through with a
Money-Back Guarantee!”
A Money-Back Guarantee
can be a very effective
‘marketing ploy’…And even
though I usually fall in the
93% group (who never
pursue the guarantee)… For
the smart 7%, this can be
the deciding factor before
joining, or buying into, a
Personally, I feel
“Guarantees” are a
legitimate marketing ploy,
and should be used, and
pursued, whenever they
apply. However, just be sure
to read the “Terms” of the
guarantee…i.e. The longer
the guarantee, the less
likely chance of you
pursuing it. Also, being able
to actually receive your
money back, is a whole
other issue…
Start looking at Guarantees
as a positive thing, but do
NOT make them the
deciding factor in your
buying decisions…More than
likely (93% chance), you
won’t pursue the guarantee,
anyways. I could not find
any hard data, on the
percentage of people who
actually receive their money
5) Testimonials… This is the
age of “Joint Ventures”…In
fact, you may have even
seen an eBook being sold for
$27, describing the power of
“JV’s” and how to go about
finding “JV’s” to further
YOUR online earnings.
Joint Ventures are a very
smart way to go about
sharing ‘databases’ with
other website owners…And,
can be a GREAT source of
sharing website visitors,
and gaining new
customers…However, this
type of “marketing ploy”…
Even with ALL of the Great
advantages it brings, can be
a little misleading, when it
comes to “Testimonials” on a
Obviously, a testimonial
from a “JV” partner, is going
to be over-the-top positive.
So, just use common sense,
when reading testimonials…
Take ALL testimonials with a
grain of salt.
In conclusion, regarding the
5 marketing ploys…
1) “Gurus” – who have a
memorable name, and
having TOP Secret
information, that you
supposedly don’t have
access to, and ‘must’ have in
order to make money!
Exactly what is the product?
2) “Quick Riches” – This one
is self-explanatory. Usually
includes a relatable
situation, and a ‘rags to
riches’ story.
3) “Do-Nothing Programs” –
This is the most FALSE
marketing ‘ploy’ of them all.
4) “Guarantee” – This one is
almost always combined
with a “Do- Nothing”
program…And remember;
only 7% of people will
actually follow through with
a guarantee.
5) “Testimonials” – Be sure
to take ALL testimonials
with a grain of salt…Many
times, they are in
combination with a Joint-
Before spending YOUR hard
earned money…Take notice
of HOW many of the 5
marketing ploys are being
used on the sales page. The
more ploys being used, the
more likely that the
program, or information you
are buying, will be a
complete WASTE of time,
and will be GONE soon…
Taking YOUR Money & YOUR
TIME with it.
Be sure to notice what it is
that you are buying… Take a
quick look at the…or…
websites… Is the product
line clear? Do you know
EXACTLY what you will
receive for your money?