There ARE ways of saving money and enjoying yourself. We do not have to give up on everything to save a buck. Let's make 2012 the year of frugality, shall we? Below are a few suggestions!
1. Car Insurance
This is easy. Multi-car policies can save money. If you have family members that are on insurance, and of age that you can still cover and pay their insurance, combine policies. If you want your kids to pay their own, simply pay for them but have them reimburse you monthly. Not only should your monthly payment go down, you could even receive a discount on bringing in more business. It is also easy to save money on car insurance if you shop online. Policies online are often cheaper and have the same coverage, you're simply missing out on the convenience of working with an agent. The insurance company sends to the individual to e-sign. Saving paper will save you money.
2. Flights
Going online can save individuals a whole lot of dough. Pick a flight that leaves on at an off-peak time and day. These flights are usually not full, so your flight will be more comfortable and cheaper. Never use a travel agent. Again, going online eliminates all the fees of "convenience" - an ironic term, since going online and doing it yourself is probably even more convenient! Booking ahead can save money on flights too. At least two months ahead will usually give the flyer a significantly cheaper flight. Waiting until the last minute can also save on flights that are not completely booked. The only problem with this is individuals take a chance of not receiving a seat - so hedge your bets wisely.
3. Movies
Individuals can see the top movies for a cheaper rate during a matinee. Never go in the evening. Think of how much cheaper lunch and a matinee are compared to dinner and an evening show. To really save on entertainment, avoid the theatre all together and get a netflix subscription (or use Redbox). It only takes a couple of months nowadays for movies to released on DVD, so the incentive is there.
4. Clothes
Save money by purchasing winter clothes in the summer and summer clothes in the winter. These items will then be on the sales rack, and so they can save you up to 75% of the regular prices. Individuals can also save money on clothes by shopping in consignment shops or thrift shops (as long as you're choosy about which - some are amazing treasure troves, while others are disgusting). People clean out their closets of those name brand clothes and donate them to the thrift store. A good idea is to purchase the basics on discount
. These include black pants, jeans, or white tops. Treat yourself to a couple of special jackets or sweaters to add flair and style to the basics. These can come from the high price stores and will add that special something to your outfit. Some special accessories will also add flair to the outfit Don't forget that trading with a friend or family member can give individuals a completely new wardrobe. We tire of clothes before they are worn out, after all.
5. Vacations
Individuals can save a lot of money by taking a vacation in the off-season. Beach condominiums rent for thousands less per month, so instead of a week at the beach, you could enjoy a month abroad in the winter, for the price of one week during the summer. Also, go online and find out where the hidden gems are. Any resort will be vastly overpriced at anytime of the year, but if you spend ten minutes googling for affordable new hot spots, you'll save tons.
Callie Meyers likes to write about European travel, frugality & travelinsurance.org.

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